Anleitung zum Einrichten eines Proxys in Browsern / Software / Erweiterungen


Web Real-Time Communication (better known as RTC) is a standard that allows streaming information to be transmitted in current mode without a browser add-on using P2P technology (built into web browsers used today). VP8 and H.264 video codecs and 2 audio codecs (G711 and OPUS) are used. This standard allows users to interact effectively, video and audio chats can be created on websites. Everything seems to be fine, it doesn’t make sense to disable this technology. Since communication between users is installed automatically, no permission is required to use the protocol. In addition, using VNP in the Opera browser, you can note: the normal IP address check shows only the address of the VNP server, and the actual address of the Pcs remains unknown; they can capture the local IP address of the computer (the same laptop). In general, the online communication option allows websites to obtain a large amount of identifying information. By the way, proxy is not a helper here. When Web RTC is enabled To check the browser, you can use the websites and If in the line „Browser Supports WebRTC (Either 1.0 or 1.1)?“ shows „Yep“, which indicates that it is active.

On the second page, the information is published in Russian.

If a „potential leak“ appears, that also speaks for the inclusion of the technology. In principle, you can leave everything and so. Still, it is advisable to take measures to prevent data leaks that could get to scammers.

Disable WebRTC in the Firefox browser.

It’s easier to do this at the browser level. First, type „about: config“ in the line. Next, a window will appear with a warning. To confirm the action, click „I promise to be careful“. A list of settings is displayed. We find the line „media.peerconnection.enabled“ (can be found by doing the same „search“ by pressing Ctrl+F). To disable it, „false“ should be set.

WebRTC Control Plugin

To enable or disable the settings, you need to be patient. And a plugin is required to speed up the process. The first thing in the settings to open add-ons. In the search, enter WebRTC Control (this is the name of the plugin itself). It comes „add to Firefox“, it is activated to make the installation. At the top right you will see the plugin icon. If it is blue. It means that the technology is blocked. In this case, you need to understand that these plugins do not provide 100% protection. In some cases, the browser allows the transfer of identification data. And to protect yourself as much as possible, you can use the NoScript plugin (introduces a ban on all scripts in the web browser). And even more effective will be the use of VPN (by creating a separate network, the IP address becomes unreachable).

Opera browser

To disable the technology in Opera, you should visit the extension gallery. We find the extension, install it (by clicking), and then click „Add to Opera“. When the plugin is active, the icon is blue. In addition, in Opera it is possible to disable the technology in other ways. Go to the menu, then in the settings, go to the Security section, check „Show advanced settings“, in the Web RTC column put a check mark opposite „Disable Unproxy UDP“.

Yandex Browser

Disables similarly to Opera with WebRTC Control. The icon must also be blue when turned on.

Google Chrome

Here it’s a bit more difficult. The browser itself has no options to block this technology, so you need to download the add-on, one of which is WebRTC Block. In addition, there is also Script Safe – one of the most effective solutions to prevent information leaks through the technology in question. At first glance, it looks smart, but it should be used for decontamination. There is also an option to use the WebRTC Control plugin. Go to „Extensions“, then click „More Extensions“, find the addition you want there and install it. The plugin icon should be blue. You can resort to the WebRTC Leak Prevent or Easy WebRTC Block plugins (work similarly to WebRTC Control).

Google Chrome installed on your phone

To disable, type in the line „chrome://flags / #disable-webrtc“ and set enabled.

Disable in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer

The first supports the WebRTC standard by default. And the technology can be blocked only partially, for what:
  • in the browser line enter about:flags;
  • put a check mark;
  • restart the browser.
In the second support of this technology is not, which excludes the possibility of identity loss.

Safari on macOS

To disable, we go to the browser settings. In the section „Add-ons“ put a check mark on „Development in the menu“, then put a check mark on Remove Legacy WebRTC API to block WebRTC in Safari.

Safari on iOS

Go back to the settings. We find Safari at the bottom, go to „Add-Ons“ and get Experimental Features. To block the technology, we use Remove Legacy WebRTC API.


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