Pokyny pro nastavení proxy serverů v prohlížečích/softwaru/rozšířeních


Docker is a software that is used to automatically manage programs that are combined according to the principle of containerization. Then, proxy functions can be used for each individual container. In order for the proxy server to work, you need to manually create a configuration file that allows you to connect to the system from a different address. In the generated file, you already specify a new „host name“ (host) and a numeric parameter that refers to the „port“. Steps:
  1. Install the Docker software.
  2. Next, you should create a folder docker.service.d, to place the configuration file there.
  3. If you don’t want to create a folder in a directory, you can use a direct link to the etc/systemd/system file.
  4. Next, you need to create a separate file where you will see the appropriate proxy configuration and its settings. Rename the file by giving it a name.
  5. Last step: link the software to a proxy for http, https.
You can notice the following line in the configuration file structure: Environment=“HTTP_PROXY=http://proxyIP:port“ Now change the „word“ from proxyIP to your new IP address for the software. In this line Environment=“HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxyIP:port/“ do the same procedure. After performing this action, the system must be restarted for the new features to work and function. For more confidence in the quality of proxy systems, it is recommended to buy individual private proxies, as they are faster and more reliable. In return, completely free versions of the proxy can cause fries, brakes, system crashes and long downloads because the amount of processed information is large, which makes the proxy overloaded.

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