

If you want to learn more about VPN-enabled spying techniques, you should read this article. CSIRA has learned that, as it turns out, the use of VPN sources can lead to serious problems with your data privacy and, consequently, a large loss of information to fraudsters. This Australian government organization has begun a survey of some of the applications that run on Android. All of the apps tested by the organization were directly related to VPN customers. The company has suffered a very disappointing verdict, according to the results of which about 18% of the applications in the thesis did not care about the safety of user data. About 38% of the programs are only able to block viruses or very intrusive ads. The most disappointing point is that 80% of the applications studied, contributed to the “stealing” of the confidential information of the user. In addition to personal data, they read correspondence and even data needed to access accounts. About 16% of the applications are not transparent proxy servers, which can distort the sent information, thus changing the format or size of the loaded image. Some applications were detected that introduced into the traffic java script specialized code, the one that contributes to the global increase in the advertising layer and that, in turn, allows criminals to monitor the actions of the person in the Internet. One of the similar services has been suspected of selling confidential information to specific advertising partners, which are energetically exploiting the weakness of users. More often than not, users decide to buy a VPN application for the sake of protection on the Internet, but not invariably VPN applications contribute to the full data protection. In their promotional offers developers, of course, talk about their high level of data protection and the corresponding anonymity on the network, but many developers are only pursuing the goal of “theft” of client information, which can be later presented for a fee to outside sources. When using a VPN service, only 1% of users have doubts about its quality. The report suggests that 18% of applications surveyed do not encrypt information at all, and an unconditional set – can collect and later sell data about the sites the user visited when using WAP. In over 50% of the cases the leakage of DNS data was detected. Bottom line is that a lot of VPN services do not protect user data. What is more, they steal data from their customers, although the vast majority claim to be high on data “protectorate”. The organization has stated that it has talked to the creators of harmful programs and as a result of these negotiations, only a small part of them decided to get rid of the fraudulent policy in place. The other part was completely removed or blocked in the official google stores. Considering the great celebrity of the current service, even the most highly professional users do not realize the associated risks and challenges. We offer and persistently recommend buying only private proxy servers, which in contrast to VPN services will be able to secure all of your personal information, as well as they will increase the efficiency of working with accounts.

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