Canada proxy

Purchasing anonymous Canada proxies is a good way to use Internet resources indefinitely, even if you live in another country. For foreign users, access to a number of Canadian web resources is closed, which sometimes prevents doing business, promoting sites in search engines and social networks. Proven and reliable solution that helps to avoid difficulties is to buy a proxy Canada.

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Suitable for popular services:
Our advantages
Individual proxies up to 100 mb/sec. Unlimited traffic.
The lowest prices on the proxy market, cheaper in bulk.
48 Hours Refund/Replacement Address Guaranteed.
Stable work of proxy addresses.
Everything is automated. Proxies are activated immediately after payment.
When renewing, you can remove or add new IPs to the order. There is also Auto-renewal.
HTTP/SOCKS5 protocols. The system produces automatically in two formats at once.
Manual IP selection and subnet selection, you can also select a city.
IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order).
7500+ different networks and subnets.
Convenient multi-functional API and personal account.
Buy from 1 IP for a rental period of 5 days or more.
Technical support and live chat work from 24/7. Seven days a week.
Affiliate program. Earned. 0


Individual IPv4 PROXY See for what purposes

Issued in one hand
0 $
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IPv4 Shared PROXY See for what purposes

Use up to 3 people
0 $
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IPv6/32 PROXY See for what purposes

Issued in one hand
0 $
white Attention!!! Our proxies are only suitable for white purposes
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Advantages and purpose of Canadian proxies

The most common use of individual canadian proxies for foreign users is working with social networks.networks. In addition to communication, these sites are designed for effective promotion of accounts, products and services. You can buy a canadian IP address that allows you to maintain several profiles to attract the maximum number of potential customers and increase revenue. Individual server will help in the event that it is necessary to “cheat” likes and subscribers with the help of special applications, advertising, improving the attendance of certain pages and accounts.

what else are Canadian proxies used for:

  • View web resources that are not allowed to be accessed in your country.
  • Bypass blocking on websites, forums, where you were previously added to the blacklist.
  • Competent SEO-optimization – with the help of individual proxy servers perform parsing data Yandex, Google, semantic kernel collection and other operations that increase the position of the web page in the distribution of search engines.
  • Online games, betting at bookmakers, visiting virtual casinos.
  • Publication of announcements on regional and city portals.
  • Anonymous presence in the network – by purchasing a working proxy of Canada, you are guaranteed to protect yourself from information leakage and hacker attacks. Information about which pages you visited, which files you worked with, which passwords you used will remain inaccessible even to the product vendor.

Another reason to buy a Canadian IP address is to speed up the connection and download of websites. This is because the proxy server compresses the data, thereby ensuring their instantaneous transmission.

Types of proxy servers in Canada

Popular types of proxy Canada are considered:

  1. HTTP – characterized by ease of configuration and management. Using a proxy of this type enables caching of data (web pages, uploaded images, audio and video files), which leads to better download and save Internet traffic.
  2. HTTPS is an appropriate option if you regularly work with “valuable” classified information and want to protect it from intruders to the maximum. This information includes passwords, individual access codes, CVC/CVV-codes of Bank and credit cards.
  3. SOCKS is a version of Canada proxy server, which is considered to be the most reliable way to protect personal data. In addition to a high level of anonymity, it does not transmit a real IP-address during requests and allows you to work with an unlimited number of protocols.

Buy cheap Canada proxies at any time

Individual proxy Canada online offers proxy line service at reasonable prices. To buy an anonymous server is more profitable and faster than to search for a working IP on the Internet on your own – free proxies are not able to provide such a high speed, privacy and security level. An important advantage of paid products is the fact that one IP is provided in one hand – no one can use it except you.


Boone Schilder reviewed Proxy Line
excellent quality for the proxies ;
excellent quality for the proxies ;)
Andrew Scott reviewed Proxy Line
ProxyLine delivers fast access to the…
ProxyLine delivers fast access to the needed geo without delays or captchas, and their support is quick to resolve any issues.
Vladimir reviewed Proxy Line
ProxyLine is perfect for arbitrage
ProxyLine is perfect for arbitrage - reliable, fast, and great support!
Роберт Марченко reviewed Proxy Line
Proxy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Proxy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Maksim Polyakov reviewed Proxy Line
Good functionality,a good selection of…
Good functionality,a good selection of geolocations and not a high price,working reliable proxies.
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