PROXY FOR ODNOKLASSNIKI Service rental Individual IP addresses for your business

Odnoklassniki proxies are used to promote accounts, groups and communities. A private individual server allows the owner to use an unlimited number of accounts, increase the number of comments, significantly increase the number of likes and subscriptions. The proxy allows you to remove the restrictions imposed by the site administration, conduct correspondence with an unlimited number of users, artificially increase the popularity of the community without the risk of getting blocked.
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Suitable for popular services:
Our advantages
Individual proxies up to 100 mb/sec
The lowest prices on the proxy market, cheaper in bulk
48 Hours Refund/Replacement Address Guaranteed
Stable work of proxy addresses
Everything is automated. Proxies are activated immediately after payment
When renewing, you can remove or add new IPs to the order. There is also Auto-renewal
HTTP/SOCKS5 protocols. The system produces automatically in two formats at once
Manual IP selection and subnet selection, you can also select a city
IP binding (up to 3 IPs per order)
7500+ different networks and subnets
Convenient multi-functional API and personal account
Buy from 1 IP for a rental period of 5 days or more
Technical support and live chat work from 24/7. Seven days a week
Affiliate program. Earned 0


Individual IPv4 PROXY See for what purposes

Issued in one hand
0 $
Select IP manually

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IPv4 Shared PROXY See for what purposes

Use up to 3 people
0 $
Select IP manually

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Анимация proxyline 2 Анимация proxyline 3 Анимация proxyline 4

IPv6/32 PROXY See for what purposes

Issued in one hand
0 $
white Attention!!! Our proxies are only suitable for white purposes
By purchasing our proxies, you agree to the terms of User Agreement and Privacy Policy
Many payment methods:
Individual proxy for ok – an effective tool for the promotion of communities and accounts in the social network “Odnoklassniki”. By purchasing a private server, you will avoid blocking associated with suspicious page activity. Such IP addresses allow you to register profiles in an unlimited number, to wind comments, likes and subscribers – the result is an increase in the number of potential customers, and, consequently, an increase in the level of income.

Productive work with proxy for OK

Buy proxy for ok is advisable not only for businessmen and marketers engaged in promotion in the social.networks, but also ordinary users who want to stay in touch regularly or are interested in finding new friends. The purchase of a personal server gives a lot of opportunities:

  • Operational increase “attendance” page without the risk of getting into the ban. With an anonymous proxy for OK your account will not cause suspicion in the administration of the site.
  • Mass adding to friends, sending invitations to communities and events – for owners of private IP the number of applications per day is not limited/
  • Correspondence with any number of users when using only one dialog box.
  • Quick search of the necessary profiles according to the specified criteria – gender, age, place of residence.
  • Create an unlimited number of pages.
  • View groups and profiles where you were previously added to the blacklist.
  • Bypass the blocking provided for by law. Another reason to buy proxy ok – you will get free access to the website, even if access to it is limited at the place of your work and/or study.

Choose proxy for OK

Buy proxy for OK is more profitable than searching the Internet for public IP addresses, because public servers are not able to provide the same high level of privacy and good speed of loading web pages. Paid IP with IPv6 support is a standard option, however, if you want to get the maximum benefit from working in ok, pay attention to IPv4 proxy.
For effective use of proxy it is recommended to buy one IP-address for 1-2 accounts.

Buy proxy for ok with quality assurance

Having bought working proxies for OK on Proxy line, you become the sole owner of a unique address, since one IP is provided in one hand. This approach ensures maximum anonymity and protection of private information while on the Internet.

Our servers with support for popular protocols HTTP, SOCKS are able to satisfy even the most demanding customers, please stability, performance and a nice price.


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Аffiliate program

The affiliate program allows you to earn 10% of all lifetime customer payments linked to your affiliate link.

To participate in the program you need
Attract new customers to us using a referral link — a user who registers using your link is assigned to you for life, and you will receive 10% from all his payments.
Affiliate reward can be displayed on WebMoney, Yoomoney,
/ Tether USDT (TRC20) , Bank card, or use it to pay for any services of our service.

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